Category: Mariage Challenges

Healing Emotionally Abusive Husband Freed Wive

Healing Emotionally Abusive Husband Freed Wive Healing emotionally abusive husband

I woke up this morning and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you, Dhennver and Hui Ling for saving my marriage, for saving me and for giving my children a father they can finally bond with. For 27 years, I suffered mental and verbal abuses from my husband. It drove me to hurt myself physically and wanting to end my life; there were so many times when I spiralled back to when I was 17 and could not take anymore of the mental, physical and verbal abuses from my mother. At 17 years of age, I tried to end my […]

Energetic Cage Release Saved My Marriage

Energetic Cage Release Saved My Marriage Energetic cage release saved my marriage

One day, out of nowhere, my husband was very angry with me and told me that he wants a divorce because he can’t stand me anymore! I was devastated and confused. However, I still hesitated to see Dhennver because I was sceptical how he can help me thru BQRT, which I thought it’s just a gimmick. To my surprise, after one session, instantly I felt calmer and have a clearer mind. So, I signed up immediately for Energetic Cage Release (EC). During the EC, I started to feel happy and my life just transformed! My perspective change, my relationship with […]

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