My Mothers’ Transformation
I never thought energetic cage release can totally change a persons’ temper, luck and energy…
Today I am here to share with you the transformations with my mother after EC.
My mum is 67 years old. Before the therapy she had extremely bad health problems, especially with her skin. It was her skin issues that got me see Hui Ling & Dhennver.
Just a month after the sessions, my mothers’ body is detoxifying a lot every day. Now, her body water retention issues has improved and she has lost weight. Previously, her temper is intolerable but she is now calm and her thoughts are more positive. Before the therapy, she can’t walk for long time and she is panting for air but she can now walk faster. She had insomnia and it was difficult to fall asleep. However, she now enjoys her sleep and sometimes she will fall asleep while watching TV.
She was suffering from skin problems like eczema or psoriasis from head to toe, this disease is causing her to suffer as it was very itchy. Thank god after seeing Hui Ling her skin was better. After first session of EC, it has recovered up 90%.
Another thing that I didn’t even know was that she suffered from acid reflux problem. It was so bad until she vomits few times a day, especially midnight. However, she said after EC this issue is totally gone.
It’s really amazing! Thank god as I don’t regret to send my mum to do EC.
Thank you so much to Dhennver & Hui Ling for your great help!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Carrie Chan
我母亲今年67岁,她有嚴重的健康问題,尤其是皮肤。在多年前她就开始有嚴重的皮肤癬,开始只是长在脚,后来到手,但是今年开始全身上下包括臉部头皮都长了很多皮肤廯,而且很癢。就是因为皮肤问題我帶她去見 Hui Ling & Dhennver。
自從在今年七月做了EC后,她的身体每天都大量的排毒,每天排几次大便而小便就更不用說了;她的水腫问題改善身体也瘦了;臉色亮了好看了;脾气和负面情绪也改善了;走路快了,走路时不再气喘了;她的失眠问題改善了,现在很容易入睡,晚上八点多就可以睡了,而且一觉到天亮,以前不能睡午觉的,但是现在坐着看电视有时都会睡着;第一次见 Hui Ling 皮肤问题改善了,而且EC第一个疗程皮肤问題就好了90%;还有從来不知道她有胃酸倒流这个问題,她说以前每天都会吐几次,尤其在半夜都会起身吐,但是做了EC就没有再吐了。
非常感恩 Dhennver 和 Hui Ling
谢谢! 谢谢! 谢谢!
Carrie Chan