Our Alternative Healing Solutions

Blocked Qi Healing (BQRT) and Energetic Cage Release Therapy are New Age Mind-Body Alternative Healing techniques that simply retrieves hidden messages in your subconscious mind. These are insightful hidden emotional messages that are unprocessed or intense (most clients are shock by what the subconscious remembers). A skilled practitioner uses Applied Kinesiology with a series of specialised questions to reveal these hidden messages or Blocked Qi (In case you are wondering, you are not hypnotised and you are completely conscious). The practitioner then uses the power of intend to flush these disempowering energy from your system. Releasing these blocked qi, restores energy or Qi flow in the body and empowers the body’s own innate ability to healing.
These therapies can be done via remote or distant healing too. So, if you are not close by… You can still achieve the same life changing transformations.