Category: Expressing Self

ECR Improved My Self-Confidence, Improved My Business

ECR Improved My Self-Confidence, Improved My Business Self confidence business

It’s now about 10months since I’ve completed my Energetic Cage Release (ECR) and I am happy to share with you a number of improvements that I have noticed so far. Generally, I am feeling a lot calmer. This prevents me from reacting unnecessarily or undesirably especially in stressful situations. Perhaps people around me are benefiting from this calmer energy of mine because the energy at home is more joyful. The relationship I have with my husband and kids seems to be getting better. We are closer and I am able to express any uncomfortable feelings that I have openly with […]

I Am Expressing Myself Better

I Am Expressing Myself Better Confidence expressing self

When my husband advised me to do the energetic cage, I really didn’t feel I needed to do it. However, after doing the energetic cage release, I felt better as I was able to express myself much better. By expressing myself, I am no longer keeping all this emotions in me and allowing them to well up again. Besides that, I noticed that I am a lot calmer, as I do not rush through things and most importantly, I interact better with my kids as I am more patient. Stephanie Chung

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