Category: Back Pain

Tension In Lower Back Gone After Qi Gong

Tension In Lower Back Gone After Qi Gong Qi gong lower back

Good morning everyone. I am so grateful for the qigong session yesterday as I noticed that there is no tension on my lower back this morning even when I bend forward. The aches and pain in this area is gone. Thank you Dhennver n Hui Ling for the session🙏🙏🙏 LY

Extremely Bad Health Issues Resolved

Extremely Bad Health Issues Resolved Happier after extreme health issues

“Before the therapy I was in extremely bad health issues but I have the confident and believe that this therapy (Energetic Cage Release) definitely able to resolve my situations. I would have know this therapy earlier then I would not have to suffer miserably for so many years. Finally, I have been transformed to a new me and been set free from this terrible bondages (bad health) for the rest of my life. I am now very happy and satisfy that I am able to enjoy my life with freedom and peace and this is my most happiest life that […]

Initially The Pain Is 8, But After 3 Release, The Pain Decreased To Zero

Initially The Pain Is 8, But After 3 Release, The Pain Decreased To Zero Back pain

Hi… my name is Soo Hwa. I have back pain since 5 years ago probably during the time when I was pregnant. So, after my delivery I did quite some massaging, even taking a course. But the pain still comes on and off. Even though I take the pain killer, it stops for a few days then it comes back again. Then one day I met Dhennver, he introduced me to BQRT and I get to know more about BQRT from him. I did once, just once, I can feel the result is really amazing. Initially the pain is 8, […]

I Have Not Felt Any Soreness Since Then

I Have Not Felt Any Soreness Since Then I have not felt any soreness since then

As a person who’s into sports, I’m always eager to find various ways to improve my performance as well as to prevent or treat injuries. When I came to know about BQRT, I was keen to try it out. While I did not have any major problems with my body, I did have some small issue with my lower right back with an on and off soreness, and wanted to know whether the problem was due to any blocked qi’s. After seeing Dhennver, we came to know there’s a blocked qi that is affecting my lower back. While I did […]

Hauntings of Slip Disc Disappeared

Hauntings of Slip Disc Disappeared Hauntings of slip disc disappeared

I have been having bad lower back pain for 7 years and 2 years back had a slip disc too. I had this constant feeling of discomfort since then. It’s especially uncomfortable when I am exhausted or stressed. I can’t sleep well and my movements are limited. Worst of all I get very worried that my slip disc will re-occur. Besides modern medication I have tried acupuncture. Yes it relieved a lot of discomfort but the pain and ‘insecure’ feeling has always been there. I have known Dhennver for long. He has never recommended anything that doesn’t help me feel […]

Now I Can Jump Off From My Bed And Sit As Long As I Want Doing My Sewing And Cross Stitching

Now I Can Jump Off From My Bed And Sit As Long As I Want Doing My Sewing And Cross Stitching Now i can jump off from my bed and sit as long as i want doing my sewing and cross stitching

Hi guys… I want to share a story with you about BQRT… Six years ago I had a fall. Since then, I have been having this nagging back pain. It bugs me most when I sit too long doing my sewing or cross stitching. Every morning when I wake up I am reminded of the pain again and when I lift heavy things, there is a severe discomfort. To comfort myself, I go for a massage at least 4 times a months and I make sure I sit in the far-infrared sauna everyday. Nevertheless, the pain only subsides for temporarily […]

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