Category: Heart Palpitation


The SWITCH After ECR Testimony clouded mind

Before the therapy, my mind was clouded, not focus, constantly falling sick, unhappy, bad temper, frustration, chest was like blocked and had heart palpitations, as well as insomnia; I didn’t try anything beside going to clinic when I had fallen sick. I have this thought that nothing can be done and I am hopeless. After the therapy, I felt lighter, focus has improved, cheerful, sleeping has improved, my mind is clear and I know how to take control of myself. I’ve started to think that I should do this and do that to get better to improve myself, to get […]


Anxiety Anxiety

Feeling Down And Felt Quite Lost Before the therapy, I was feeling down and felt quite lost. I was tired, lethargic and felt like fainting. I felt very anxious as well. My blood pressure and pulse rate were quite high (blood pressure was around 140 -150/ 85 – 95; Pulse rate was 115 – 120 in average). I was on medication for one week. Even if I’m not on my meds, they were still on the high side. On the first day of the therapy session, my pressure and pulse rate dropped (blood pressure around 110 – 120/ 75 – […]

Heart Palpitations Due to Anxiety Disappeared

Heart Palpitations Due to Anxiety Disappeared Heart palpitations due to anxiety disappeared

Some of you may be able to associate with this… This client have been having the feeling of fast heart beats or heart palpitations every morning when he wakes up. This has been going on for years. After the distant healing session, he got up in the morning without having that fast heart beats. I remembered as a kid, I would sometimes get bouts of heart palpitations. I would tell my mum about it and she said it was normal, it’s ok. When I tell that to the doctors, obviously they weren’t as alarmed as I was. So I know […]

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