Category: Good facilitation

My Husband Commented That I Am More Easy Going And Less Manic

My Husband Commented That I Am More Easy Going And Less Manic Husband maniac

There are too much of problem to begin with and I don’t know where should I start. However, I feel lighter, happier and energize and increase of insight after ECR (Energetic Cage Release) therapy. In this therapy, I manage to find out the root cause to my problem and how it have affected me for many years. Many things that I’ve been doing with the mindset that is right were actually wrong and no one had actually told me about it. It has been 2 weeks since my ECR session, I can see some positive change in myself and the […]

My Heartburn Was So Bad I Couldn’t Even Swallow A Teaspoon Of Water

My Heartburn Was So Bad I Couldn’t Even Swallow A Teaspoon Of Water Acute health

I was in really bad shape when I first visited TipTopYou centre as I was just hospitalised as my heartburn was so bad that I could not even swallow a teaspoon of water. Even breathing was a challenge as it was so painful as if I was having a heart attack. It was quite unbelievable that Hui Ling was able to give me so much insights of what was happening in my life that was affecting me and that it was important for me to do the Energetic Cage release. Honestly, I was half hearted about doing it as I […]

After Second Session, I Felt Qi Flowing Freely

After Second Session, I Felt Qi Flowing Freely After second session, i felt qi flowing freely

I was just walked into TipTopYou Center and started my first session without any clue about the therapy. As I trusted and was referred by Janice, I trusted the healers. Without any doubt and further delay we had the first session immediately. I was totally exhausted after the first session and the second session was scheduled the next day. After second session I felt Qi flowing freely especially the pain on my left shoulder which has been bothering me for few years. The third session got more intense. I could feel the negativity stuck in me. I have been regularly […]

Emotional Baggages Drastically Affected My Mental and Physical Health

Emotional Baggages Drastically Affected My Mental and Physical Health Emotional baggages drastically affected my mental and physical health

When I was first introduced to EC therapy, I was rather curious about what this therapy is all about. At that time, I was experiencing stress, skin problems and bodily aches and pains. So I decided to sign up for the therapy not knowing how this therapy will benefit me. And this actually turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I’m really grateful to Dhennver and Hui Ling. Throughout the sessions, they were very patient and professional. They made me realise that emotional baggages that we have been carrying for years […]

Long Suppressed Childhood Incidents Released

Long Suppressed Childhood Incidents Released Natural anxiety cure

I was in a very difficult space with relationships and it was taking a toll on my health and at work. When I first met Dhennver, I was pleasantly surprised by his openness and positivity. He immediately put me at ease. I subscribed to the energetic cage release from the get go and I’m glad I went through the process because everything negative purged itself through several sessions. I was able to recall long suppressed incidents that had stayed with me from childhood that were released with Dhennver’s help. The energetic cage release saw me slowly dissolving all my blocks […]

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