Category: Alternative Healing

I Got My Life Back And My Glucose Levels Are Controlled

I Got My Life Back And My Glucose Levels Are Controlled I got my life back and my glucose levels are controlled

​On 18th February, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was admitted to hospital as my blood glucose was 22mmol/l (normal levels are 6mmol/l). Prior to this, the doctor warned me about it and I tried to control my high blood glucose with lifestyle modifications. However, on the day of admission, I had lost more than 20kg, I had severe hair loss and was feeling very weak. Two days of hospital stay and medication, my blood glucose fluctuated between 17 – 19mmol/l. I was worried and on the night of the second day, I decided to ask Dhennver to […]

I Have Not Felt Any Soreness Since Then

I Have Not Felt Any Soreness Since Then I have not felt any soreness since then

As a person who’s into sports, I’m always eager to find various ways to improve my performance as well as to prevent or treat injuries. When I came to know about BQRT, I was keen to try it out. While I did not have any major problems with my body, I did have some small issue with my lower right back with an on and off soreness, and wanted to know whether the problem was due to any blocked qi’s. After seeing Dhennver, we came to know there’s a blocked qi that is affecting my lower back. While I did […]

The Most Obvious Is That I Don’t Have Issue With My Anger

The Most Obvious Is That I Don’t Have Issue With My Anger Energy healing practitioner helps happy hanif

​Hi… my name is Hanif, I am a sales trainer by profession. For the past one month, I have been having sessions with Dhennver on my energetic cage. After a few sessions, I start to feel a lot of improvements in my life. The most obvious is that I don’t have issue with my anger, even though thing really bad happen to me, I just go with the flow. I feel a lot calmer and relationship with my daughter, my relationship with my wife, my friends are absolutely fantastic. I really want to thank Dhennver for the job that he […]

Fatigue Disappeared and Feeling Happier

Fatigue Disappeared and Feeling Happier Fatigue disappeared and feeling happier

​I had been feeling fatigue for the past few years and got worst recently. All this while I did not take any action to treat it as I thought it was due to lack of sleep that is why I would be so tired during the day time. It has become part of life as I was always occupied in work and I thought because of that the body is tired. Until recently when my colleague told me about this block qi release technique that he learnt and my tiredness could be due to blocked qi. Hesitated at first but […]

Shoulder Pain at the Scale of 8 Reduced to Zero!

Shoulder Pain at the Scale of 8 Reduced to Zero! Shoulder pain at the scale of 8 reduced to zero!

Client is 69yo and have been having this nagging shoulder pain at the scale of 8. In one session we managed to reduced the pain to 0. ​ He has tried various methods including acupuncture but it still persist. BQRT is a simple and effective method to remove the root of the problem.

I Feel Calmer, And I Feel I Am Able To Cope With Stress

I Feel Calmer, And I Feel I Am Able To Cope With Stress Stress anger

Hi… my name is Fatt Soon. I know Dhennver for more than 20 years. Recently, he did an energetic cage release on me. I would like to say, after he did the release on me, I noticed there is some changes happened to me. The most significant one will be that I feel calmer, and I feel I am able to cope with stress, with that I am able to meet challenges, and make decisions much faster. Compared to those days before that, when I have stress, sometimes I have sleepless nights. But lately, I don’t have that problem anymore. […]

Hauntings of Slip Disc Disappeared

Hauntings of Slip Disc Disappeared Hauntings of slip disc disappeared

I have been having bad lower back pain for 7 years and 2 years back had a slip disc too. I had this constant feeling of discomfort since then. It’s especially uncomfortable when I am exhausted or stressed. I can’t sleep well and my movements are limited. Worst of all I get very worried that my slip disc will re-occur. Besides modern medication I have tried acupuncture. Yes it relieved a lot of discomfort but the pain and ‘insecure’ feeling has always been there. I have known Dhennver for long. He has never recommended anything that doesn’t help me feel […]

Headaches Disappeared And Didn’t Return

Headaches Disappeared And Didn’t Return Headache and shoulder pain

I have been having headache for many years. I usually have to resort to taking Panadol. The headache usually starts when the weather is too hot or when I have too many things on my mind. The haze does make it worse. I’ve tried various medications and even some health supplements to no effect. Panadol still works best for me although I know that long-term usage of Panadol is bad for my liver. I heard about BQRT from my husband and was a little skeptical initially. However upon his insistence and also having tried all sorts of medication, I decided […]

It Turns Out That The Wind In My Stomach Was Caused By 2 Blocked Qi

It Turns Out That The Wind In My Stomach Was Caused By 2 Blocked Qi It turns out that the wind in my stomach was caused by 2 blocked qi

​I had no idea what BQRT was about but when I met Dhennver, I was having severe colic or bloating in my stomach. My abdomen was distended and it was even causing me to have back pain. After a short 15 mins session with Dhennver, I was really amazed as I started to burp non-stop, releasing all the trapped wind in my stomach. This continued for more than 10mins! It turns out that the wind in my stomach was caused by 2 blocked qi. I had no idea that the events in the pass had affected me this way. I […]

Now I Can Jump Off From My Bed And Sit As Long As I Want Doing My Sewing And Cross Stitching

Now I Can Jump Off From My Bed And Sit As Long As I Want Doing My Sewing And Cross Stitching Now i can jump off from my bed and sit as long as i want doing my sewing and cross stitching

Hi guys… I want to share a story with you about BQRT… Six years ago I had a fall. Since then, I have been having this nagging back pain. It bugs me most when I sit too long doing my sewing or cross stitching. Every morning when I wake up I am reminded of the pain again and when I lift heavy things, there is a severe discomfort. To comfort myself, I go for a massage at least 4 times a months and I make sure I sit in the far-infrared sauna everyday. Nevertheless, the pain only subsides for temporarily […]

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